Bounty on Jiji
Bounty on Jiji is an action/adventure comic and animation project. The world of Jiji is ruled by an elite class of vampires. Jiji is a technopath who has escaped the kingdom into the desert. There she meets Falstella a village girl whose family takes Jiji in.
Character Art
Jiji is the titular protagonist of a the webcomic/ animation series. She is a stubborn and serious, but naive revolutionary. She is a techno path who lived in a desert city called Point Blue. She was forced to make robots for the ruling class, but escaped to a desert village where she joined with other humans to defeat the vampires.
Jiji meets Falstella in the desert village where her parents lead the revolutionaries. She hates the village and often gets caught up with a small town mindset of leaving home. She is sweet but sarcastic. Jiji and Falstella slowly gather crushes on each other.